

Sentient – term used to describe living beings that can experience suffering (as in sentient being).  In Eastern thought this attribute is given to living beings other than humans.  Some lineages of Buddhism take this to the extreme.

An example of this extreme view might be in the movie Seven Years in Tibet, when the monks worked painstakingly and slowly in digging a foundation for their building so that they would not kill the worms that were in the ground.

Much of this Buddhist thought connects with the concept of reincarnation.  In “Seven Years,” the construction worker states, “This worm could have been your mother.”

A kitten could be considered a sentient being.

An “Acceptance Contract”


You may have been to my Stoic page, where I introduce the essential triad I have taken from the Stoics.  This triad is about understanding what is under my control, accepting that fate will change my life unexpectedly, and knowing that all things are impermanent.  These three concepts are essential in building the attitude of “indifference” to the external factors around us.

Once you build this philosophy, certain questions of “Why?” begin to fade away.

  • Why did this happen to me?
  • Why did my dog die?
  • Why does every investment I make seem to tank?
  • Why can’t I afford a new car?
  • Why did I just win the lottery? (Threw this one in…positive occurrences are fate as well)
  • Why are thousands murdered every year?

I just won the lottery! Now I will always be happy!

These things are going to happen…much of it is simply fate.  They are mostly or completely out of your control.  Like everything else, your dog is impermanent.  But one question may still be lingering in your mind:  “isn’t there a big plan for me?”  In all of my research, and all that I have reflected on Stoic philosophy, one thing seems to be consistent.  The Stoic strives to be indifferent to this big plan.  God may have a plan for you, but it is simply part of the plan for all of existence.  You are simply a player in the giant unfolding of the cosmos.  He may be raising you from the minute you were born to save the world.  You may be the one to cure cancer, to win the Tour De France, or to lead a church, but if you are a Stoic, you are not concerned with the specific plan for you.  In short, the limit of your existential “why asking” stops at “why should I live a virtuous life?” and ends with “because it is in accordance with nature (both human and universal),” and moreover, because that is the way God intended it.  All further why questions are not essential to living a virtuous life.

In my post on Life as Training, I alluded to this indifference as faith.  This requires further reflection, I think.   I won’t talk around this any longer:  praying is a manifestation of a lack of faith.  When you pray for something, it is for your own sake (even if it is to feel a little power over something….”Dear God, please watch over those on the East coast so Hurricane Sandy [Frankenstorm] does them no harm”).  So, if you are part of God’s plan, and God put you here on Earth with murders, rapes, earthquakes, hurricanes (Frankenstorm) and all, why do you find it necessary to ask “are you sure this is your plan, God?  Can you change it just a little for me?”  For your sake, indeed.

Would you sign an Acceptance Contract?

Instead, I have said my prayer only once when I accepted the Stoic life, “I’ll do my part with the flesh, breath, and mind you gave me.  Other than that, you’ve got the rest, God.”  This is a covenant (a SUPER CONTRACT) between me and all of existence…and I only need to make it once.  Upon further reflection, I’ve realized that what I originally called indifference might be better described as acceptance:   An Acceptance Contract


Marcus on Acceptance of Fate (A Modern Day Translation by Me)


What follows is my own translation of an excerpt from Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations,  You can easily find a more raw translation anywhere on the internet, for example click here.  I believe “The Meditations” is an awesome (as in filling me with awe) collection of wisdom that has endured centuries of time (he wrote them throughout his life sometime around 160 AD).  I humbly admit that my posts are influenced by the thoughts of giant minds such as his.  When he wrote his meditation they were to himself, so when he is saying “you,” he is saying it to himself.  They are indeed his Stoic meditations.  You may replace “the gods” with “God” or “Nature” or “fate.”  Regardless of where you find your spiritual inspiration, or even if you don’t, Marcus provides us with a potent guide to living a tranquil Stoic life.

“Of all that you think you are, you are but a little flesh and breath, and your mind. Throw away your books; no longer distract yourself: it is not allowed; be as if you were now dying.

First, despise the flesh; you are blood and bones and a network of nerves, veins, and arteries.

Next the breath, see the breath, what kind of a thing it is, air, and not always the same, but every moment sent out and again sucked in.

The third part then is your mind, so consider this: you are an old man; no longer let your mind be a slave, no longer be pulled by the strings like a puppet to being disagreeable, no longer either be dissatisfied with your present situation or fear the future.

All that is from the gods is meant to be.  That which is from fortune is not separated from nature and interweaves with all things.  From this all things flow; and these occurrences are necessary, and are an advantage to the whole universe, of which you are a part.  And that is good, for every part of nature is necessary for the whole of nature, and maintains it.  Thus the universe is preserved, just like the changes of the elements, so it is with the changes of things made by them.

Let these principles be enough for you.  But cast away your desire for books, that you may not die murmuring, but cheerfully, truly, and from your heart thankful to the gods.  Remember how long you have been putting off these things, and how often you have received an opportunity from the gods, and yet you did not use it.  You must now at last perceive of what universe you are a part, and of what administrator of the universe your existence is a product of, and that your time on Earth is limited and fixed, which if you do not use for clearing away the clouds from your mind, it will go and you will go too, and you will never return.

Every moment think steadily as a man to do what you must with perfect and simple dignity, and feeling of affection, and freedom, and justice; and to give yourself relief from all other thoughts.  You will give yourself relief, if you do every act of your life as if it were the last, laying aside all carelessness and passionate aversion from the commands of reason, and all hypocrisy, and self-love, and discontent with the portion which has been given to you.

You see how few things are really necessary to be able to live a life of tranquility, a godly life; for the gods on their part will require nothing more from him who observes these things.”