Don’t just do something, sit there!
I mean really, really sit there. No thinking, no judging. No naming, categorizing. Just be. Feel the wind, but don’t say “that is the wind.” Don’t wonder if it is a sea breeze or a land breeze. Don’t measure…gail, breeze, 10 knots, 4 mph…just feel it.
Feel the warmth of the sun. No judging….it’s too hot. Hotter than yesterday (comparing). I wish it wasn’t so hot. I wish my son could be here with me in the sun. I wish I had spent more time outdoors with my wife. I wonder if my daughter gets outside. Don’t do that! Just–feel–the–sun.
Sense your breath. Don’t name it. Feel. Lungs filling with refreshing air. Expelling CO2. Refreshed. New Oxygen, refreshed. Wonderful breath. Two working lungs above the Earth’s surface. Someday those lungs will be nothing but carbon below the surface…good to know…now back to just breathing…so content.

CN Tower, Toronto