The Inevitability of Change


“Observe constantly that all things take place by change, and accustom thyself to consider that the nature of the Universe loves nothing so much as to change the things which are and to make new things like them. For everything that exists is in a manner the seed of that which will be. But thou art thinking only of seeds which are cast into the earth or into a womb: but this is a very vulgar notion.” –Marcus Aurelius’ Meditations

Everything around me is always changing.  Birth, death, creation, destruction.  Things exist for a time, then they will be gone.  Eventually our very own sun will begin to “burn out,” but first it is expected to grow into a red giant.  The outer limits of this red giant stage will engulf the Earth, unless its orbit increases.  In any case, the biosphere will be long gone by then, which means that all life as we know it will be long gone.  All the oceans are predicted to be gone at just over 1 billion years from now, and all the water on Earth is expected to be gone by about 3 billion years from now.  (get more details here).  So we’ve got some time.

The sun is coming to get us; it will eventually.

The sun is coming to get us; it will eventually.

Actually, most of us have about about 90 years +/-30 years or so.  At this point, it is unlikely that there is anything I can do about this.

So, in the grand scheme of things I will relax, enjoy the day, enjoy the moment, and realize that BIG problems aren’t as big as they appear.

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