So I managed to get myself fished in to the fray of COVID 19 by lurking on the news, sharing my opinion on social media, and just a little arguing with those I don’t agree with on this whole COVID virus matter. To be honest, the whole thing has me worked up more than a little. I’m irritated that the virus exists in the first place, I’m frustrated with the measures that have been taken, and I am amazed at how many people think they are experts and they have no idea what they are talking about.
Then, it hit me yet again. The only thing I have control over in that whole first paragraph are the words “irritated,” “frustrated,” and “amazed.” Yes, these are the things I can control. All of the rest are externals: viruses, governments, mass fear, busy-bodies, self-proclaimed experts. I have no control over these.
In fact, I’m currently reflecting whether I have a duty to share my opinion at all. The world is as the world is, and I’m not so sure my “answers” are all as good as I think. Heaven forbid, I become one of those self-proclaimed experts.
Things I can control, things I can’t, and the wisdom to know the difference. Serenity Now.